For Veterinarians

Why Choose Us?

You maintain direct client communication and care of your patient, while enjoying expanded diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities in collaboration with an internist.

Veterinarian Portal

Via the Timeless portal, you have 24-hour access to your patients electronic medical records and images. This portal also allows future updating of pending diagnostics, and correspondence to Dr. Vaske


  • Eventually, you will be able to use the Timeless Veterinary Portal to schedule all appointments, however currently, please contact Dr. Vaske via e-mail or phone to schedule appointments.

  • Appointment windows are available Monday through Friday. Given the nature of mobile practice and variability in traffic, we must give a window.

    The patient should be dropped off the morning of the consultation or procedure and fasted for the previous 12 hours unless medically contraindicated . Water is fine. If the ultrasound is potentially occurring later in the day, it is okay to give half the normal breakfast to the pet no later than 9 am. If the pet is a diabetic, it is okay for them to have their normal breakfast and insulin. No water restriction in diabetics please.

    We will need to shave the pet for optimal imaging purposes when ultrasound is performed.

    We will discuss our findings directly with the primary care veterinarian at the time of service and a written report will be available via the portal within 24 hours.

    Please note that we do not meet directly with the client. All communication will be with the referring veterinarian, who remains the primary contact on the case.

  • An assistant or technician of the clinic will need to be available during the appointment to assist with patient restraint and, if necessary, sedation. A darkened, quiet room is ideal for ultrasound procedures.

    Any sedation or anesthesia needed for procedures must be provided by the clinic. We are happy to provide guidance on appropriate protocols for each procedure.

    All pets who receive fine-needle aspirates or bone marrow sampling must have a platelet count or CBC performed that day showing adequate platelet numbers.

    We will provide all other supplies unless specified in the service description.

  • While not common, some pets will need sedation for their ultrasound. If after attempting the ultrasound or fine-needle aspiration, the pet is too wiggly or frightened, we will ask for sedation for the pet. The sedative medication must be provided by the primary care veterinarian as well as communicating the need for sedation to the owner.

  • All diagnostic samples can be submitted by the primary care veterinarian to the laboratory of their choosing; results should be forwarded to Dr. Vaske if additional consultation is requested.

  • Veterinarians and veterinary staff can call (515) 344-6874 to schedule an appointment, request a fee sheet, or speak with Dr. Vaske. Certain geographic restrictions currently apply.

  • Alliance Veterinary Specialty Services will send an invoice to the primary care veterinary clinic monthly for all services provided. We do not accept payment from clients directly, thus the primary care veterinarian will be responsible for billing the clients.