For Pet Owners

How Does Alliance Veterinary Specialty Services Work?

Pet owners interested in an internal medicine consultation or other specialty diagnostics should contact their primary care veterinarian to schedule our services.

Our services are offered by referral only. Thus, we are not able to schedule appointments directly with pet owners.

Why Choose Us?

Our mission is to provide advanced diagnostics and recommendations to elevate patient care and treatment, while honoring your relationship with your primary care veterinarian.

By practicing on-site at your primary care veterinarian’s practice, we strengthen our team approach in a comfortable and familiar environment for you and your pet.

Have More Questions?

We understand that you may have a few questions about what we do. If the information provided below does not answer your questions, please contact your primary care veterinarian.


  • Please contact your primary care veterinarian to set up an appointment.

  • Appointment windows are available Monday through Friday. Given the nature of mobile practice and variability in traffic, we must give a time window. Thus, your pet should be dropped off the morning of the consultation or procedure.

    Unless otherwise directed, please do not feed for the previous 12 hours. Water is fine. Please consult with your primary care veterinarian with additional questions.

    We will need to shave your pets hair for optimal imaging purposes when ultrasound is performed.

    We will discuss our findings directly with your primary care veterinarian at the time of services.

    Please note you will not be speaking directly with the specialist. All communication will be with the primary care veterinarian who remains the primary contact on the case.

  • While not common, some pets will need sedation for their ultrasound or procedure. If after attempting the ultrasound or fine-needle aspiration, your pet is too wiggly or frightened, we will ask for sedation for your pet. Your primary care veterinarian will discuss the need for sedation with you, if necessary.

  • Your primary care veterinarian will bill you directly for any services provided. Alliance Veterinary Specialty Services does not accept payments from pet owners directly.

  • You should contact your primary care veterinarian with any questions you have about the visit, recommendations, or results. Direct contact between pet owners and Alliance goes against our philosophy of keeping your primary care veterinarian as an important part of the decision-making process for your pet.